tombola launch bold new marketing campaign Open for fun

We’re bouncing with excitement to share our debut marketing campaign with ad agency Meanwhile, open for fun, already branded as a “musical bingo fever dream” by Creative Review 👀.

Following our brand refresh last year, we thought it’s about time to show just how fun we are as a brand! We’ve gone bolder than ever with our marketing approach creating a campaign that is catchy, grabs your attention and (of course) is fun.
In the gaps between the good stuff, we’re here for a bit of fun. If you’re waiting for the bus and need 5 minutes of entertainment, we’re open for fun. Relaxing at home and want to chat to your mates? We’re open for fun. Need a break from putting together that dreaded flat pack? You get the idea…
Most importantly, this campaign stays true to who we are; leaders in the Safer Gambling space, delivering value for money entertainment and reward to our community of players.
Whether you’re already tapping your foot and singing along to our catchy new ad or it’s playing over and over in your head (sorry, not sorry) – it’s doing its job 😉. The aim is to create ✨brand fame✨, so our audiences talk about us to their friends and family and remember tombola are the brand to go to for the best fun games.
This campaign aims to bring our brand personality to life and fun is definitely at the centre of this. From TV to PR, Digital ads to Spotify – each instance of open for fun has been crafted by our in-house Brand and Planning team alongside Meanwhile to fit the channel giving the campaign a hyper personal feel.
If you’re on the loo, grocery shopping or playing the role of passenger princess on your next road trip, keep those eyes peeled as tombola’s Marketing and Commercial team have thought of every opportunity to bring this playful campaign to life.
You’ll see personalised Out of Home, PR stunts, personalised radio and Spotify ads, digital ads with messages based on placement and loads more. The whole Marketing and Commercial team have used their creativity to the max with this one to meet the audience where they already are.