We used people insights to build a Manager Induction

Towards the end of 2023, we spent some time getting together, face-to-face, with all people managers across tombola to develop Manager Expectations.
During these conversations managers told us they’d like more support with the “nuts and bolts” of being a manager. Key information like how our policies work, how to make the most of our HR system, and Pay@tombola. To support our managers to be there for their teams through the ups, the downs and everything in-between, following these sessions we co-created a People Manager Induction.
What we created is a self-directed, online, series of modules which guide our people managers through how to be a manager at tombola. Not only is it a great way to get managers coming into the business up to speed on what it means to be a manager at tombola, but it’s also a great jumping off point for those people who have been promoted into a manager role within tombola.

That’s not all though! We want to set managers up for success, and no one knows what that means better than our existing manager community. Which is why we’ve asked all tombola people managers to complete the induction within the month of July, providing us with their valued expertise and opinions to ensure we are delivering the right support for future managers. And, ultimately, laying the foundations for this community to Win together.
We know how busy our managers can be, and with only one month to complete their induction, we blocked out some dedicated time in their calendars to allow them to focus on the programme. We held four “silent disco” events, which encouraged our manager community to come together and share their thoughts, best practices and own experiences as a manager, whilst enjoying some retro party snacks and drinks.